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Module 9 Discussion

module 9 Discussion

Q M9 Discussion: Class and Status - Sycamore From COMBINED-NT752.1211.1.1191 1616 unread replies.1616 replies. Conspicuous Consumption and You Images from left to right: Great Gatsby (Links to an external site.), (Links to an external site.)Untitled image (Links to an external site.), SLC Punk (Links to an external site.) Have you ever received the new iPhone on its release date or posted a fancy dinner to Instagram? Are you making payments to a pristine new car or repairing an older model that has seen some miles and has the bumper stickers to prove it? In this module, we continued with the theme of identity and looked at how class and status influence and reinforce aspects of our identity. We learned that "conspicuous consumption, which is the overt display of wealth, specifically prestige goods" (this module), is a way that people convey identity and status to others. We use material culture like food, clothes, and even experiences (vacations and concerts) to reinforce and convey our identity, class, and social status to others. But one does not need to be wealthy to participate in conspicuous consumption - in fact, even purposely not participating in conspicuous consumption can also be a form of identity display. For this discussion think about ways that you do - or do not - consume certain products. • Give one or two (1 or 2) good examples when you have - or purposely have not - participated in conspicuous consumption. o If you do not feel comfortable speaking about yourself, give an example of conspicuous consumption from pop-culture (movie/show). • Address what these examples say about your identity, class, and/or social status? • Use anthropological terms featured in this module (and other identity modules) to highlight your point. (optional) Need some inspiration? Check out these podcasts (99% Invisible, one of my favorites) on design, brands, consumer culture, and styles: "Knockoffs": (Links to an external site.) "Punk Style": (contains mature language) (Links to an external site.) Guidelines for discussion boards The general guideline is, for each discussion, you will be expected to post one short (150 - 200 words) but substantial paragraph, and respond to (at least) two of your classmates’ posts with a substantial response (100-150 words). If you ONLY submit your post, then your maximum discussion grade will be 60% (D). If you respond to one other person's post, then your maximum discussion grade will be 70% (C). If you follow instructions and respond to two of your classmates' posts, your discussion grade will be raised from anywhere between 80% (B) to 100% (A). By substantial we mean that you say more than just “I agree” or “great point”. You must explain yourself by referring back to the corresponding topic. NOTE ABOUT DISCUSSIONS: Discussions are NOT political/religious platforms. They are designed to demonstrate that you understand and can clearly and effectively articulate anthropological concepts and facts as they pertain to American Culture and Society. You may certainly incorporate outside reading material or anecdotal information provided it is relevant to the Topic. Only relay personal beliefs or opinions if prompted by assignment instructions. This discussion was designed by your Fall 2020 Instructional Assistant Teaching Team.

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I believe that class and status play a significant role in the whole process forming or maintaining an identity. Knowing or unknowingly we all have involved ourselves in “conspicuous consumption.”In my case I have done that intentionally because status matters to me a lot as people do not give respect otherwise. I believe to buying the best by saving by maintaining the